• We stand for love

  • We stand for affection

  • We stand for kindness

  • We stand for virtue

  • We stand for goodwill

  • We stand for equal rights

Become a Foster / Resource Parent

Our mission in the Prospective Resource Parent (PRP) Department is to certify Prospective Resource Parents according to the California Department of Social Services and Community Care Licensing division regulations.

Who Can Become A Foster / Resource Parent?

You can! Whether you are single, married, or living with your partner, anyone who is willing to open their home to provide love and care to our foster children can become a resource parent. Contact us to learn more about the process.

Empower Families. Empowered Homes.

We provide extensive yet easy-to-understand training as well as continuous support through the certification process.
In short, our mission is to develop quality foster/resource families to pair them with the children in need.

Welcome Kids to Your Families

Need Assistance? We will Help!

We know becoming a foster parent is difficult and the journey requires patience. But we will guide you at each step and educate you to get through every situation.

Easy Certification Process

Our certification process is transparent and as per the Country and Licensing requirements. You would not have to worry about anything.

