• We stand for love

  • We stand for affection

  • We stand for kindness

  • We stand for virtue

  • We stand for goodwill

  • We stand for equal rights

We Reunite Families

Almost all children in foster care hope to be reunified with their birth family or the family that loved and cared for them in the first few years of life.

It is the task of foster care to help these children and to help prepare the families of these children so they can be reunited in a meaningful and safe way.

Allowed Visits as Per the Court Order

Court-ordered visitation is a part of the reunification services with the family members. How often the visits are to happen, where the visits are to take place, and who is to monitor them, everything is determined legally by a hearing judge and written on a Minute Order.


How We Assist Your Visits?

Sunrise Horizon offers its premises for on-site monitored visits. If visits are held at the Agency, the Agency will provide a monitor. The Agency staff can assist you with monitored visits. We provide a set of toys, games, and videos to ease the stress of the visits and to encourage interactions between the family members.


Helping clients gain relief from emotional distress, and assisting them in reaching their goals for a happier life, and treat clients with respect and according to their rights as clients. We offer early intervention and direct treatment to children and families and show sensitivity to cultural and ethnic differences so that all stakeholders feel understood and respected.
We encourage teamwork and collaboration between staff, clients, foster parents, placement agencies, and community support systems. Plus, we provide child-friendly, client-centered, family-focused, individualized services so that children can discover and reach their full potential.
